Sunday, December 23, 2007

Winter blunder

Last Tuesday, I realized I could finish my schooling here much, much sooner than expected. And this is scary.


My research adviser can kick me out!

I am attending his class and I am the laggard. One major requirement is a research proposal. The other week, I was able to submit only a half-baked one. My oral presentation was lousy.

Last Tuesday was the panel review and I was expecting a beating. True enough, the ratings for the outputs of my classmates were flying colors while mine was flying – to the trash can!

That's not all the trouble. Here's another one: I came late for that panel review and I was also a reviewer for 3 other proposals! Fittingly, my teacher castigated me right there and then.

I deserved them. The grade, the scolding and all. I apologized to my adviser. All I could say was I resolve to prepare and perform better.

Tuesday night was another time of introspection and wrestling with so many thoughts.

The following day was the deadline of another homework in Statistics plus midterm Test 3 in Calculus. The homework requires a software and I realized that day that my Minitab trial version has expired already. In haste, I was able to download another trial version - this time from SPSS – and solve some problems. The math test passed by.

As I went to my Calculus class today, I'm still in deep thought how I can redeem myself in my research area. As soon as our Teaching Assistant entered the room, he was met with complaints from my classmates before he could even tell something about the Test 3 results. I verified it online. The average score has dropped to 56%.

In our class, the highest grade was only 84%.

It was mine.

written and posted 03.01.07, at istoriami

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